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Top 5 Cloud Gaming services |cloud gaming

Do you ever have seen someone playing GTA 5 or some other Xbox or PS4 games on android or iOS or Windows devices .If yes ! Then you then might heard of cloud gaming .So what is this cloud gaming? How it woks ? And what are its pros and cons ? And what are top 5 cloud gaming services for 2017 ? You will be getting answers for all these questions in today's post so please guys read full post and enjoy .

What is cloud gaming  and how it works ?

Cloud gaming sometimes often referred as gaming on demand is a type of online gaming .There are two main types of cloud gaming services ,one is file streaming and the other is video streaming .Actually cloud gaming is a type of gaming in which the game is stored ,executed and rendered on the company's server and you can directly stream and control the game .In other words the company processes the game for you and provide it to you via online video streaming .If your phone is a low-end device and you want to play high-end games on it than cloud gaming is the best option.Cloud gaming is the best and cheapest option of high end gaming on low end devices like a android or iOS device .So guys there are many cloud gaming services optional in the world so how can you choose the best and cheapest ? So for this I have written this post for you .
Image source :- google 

Why cloud gaming ? 

The need of cloud gaming was felt when people where unable to play high-end games on their low end devices and also the rising price of gaming consoles .So some companies came through with a fix and this fix was cloud gaming .You can't store a game of 90 GB on your android smartphone  if you somehow managed it then there is the problem of ram it will need around 8gb of ram and a really strong processor to run .But unfortunately the android smartphones doesn't have that strong processor and 8 GB of ram .So ,this is the reason why we need the cloud gaming .cloud gaming services download and processes the game in Thier servers and deliver it to you by online streaming . However it requires a lot of bandwidth .

Top 5 cloud gaming services for 2017 

So guys we learnt what is cloud gaming and how it works and how it's useful .So now let's  talk about the top 5 cloud gaming services for 2017 to ensure that you get a best and cheap experience .There are many cloud gaming services around the world but today we have prepared a list of top 5 cloud gaming services in 2017 to help you distinguish between them .so guys let's start 

1.Liquid sky 

Image source :- google
Liquid sky is the no 1 cloud gaming service which allows you to play high end pc games on your low end android devices .Yocan play blockbuster games like GTA 5 and Farcry on your android devices easily but you need to pay money for playing  the games
So if you have  money to spend so you can play play high end
games on your low end devices  .wait wait wait ! There's another twist you can play only if you have a internet speed of 4mb/s or more so ensure your speed before paying money they will not refund your money . You can stream games in high quality upto 1080p and at upto 60fps .You can't only play games but you get a full gaming desktop you can everything that you can do on a real pc .Liquid sky has  now started allowing users to play for free but you should have a ultimate low bandwidth .So that impossible for most of us .

My opinion 

If you have a good internet speed than you must go for liquid sky because it gives you a full gaming desktop at just around $9 .

2.Gloud games

Image source :- google 

If you are a youtuber than you must've heard of Gloud games .Gloud games is a cloud gaming service from China which allows you to play high end Xbox games on your low end android devices .you could play a demo for about an hour then if you are comfortable than you can buy a game .However its service was limited to China only but that was solved by the developers all around the world .Now you can play it all around the world .The main  features by virtue of which iam placing it in the list is that it can run on an internet speed of 264kbps .So if you have a low internet speed than you must go for Gloud games .

My opinion 

My opinion is that if you have a low internet speed than you must go for Gloud games because it can run on low internet speed and it gives you a demo of 1 hour.

3.snoost .com 

Image source:-google is awesome cloud gaming service that works in your browser .You just have to install a chrome extension and you will be able to play in you can connect gamepads to the snoost cloud also .Further it gives you a 3 days free trial .But it  requires a good internet speed to run so before paying ensure your internet speed .Snoost .Com is a rapidly growing cloud gaming network and is nearly available all around the world .By Snoost you can  play high end games  of size in GBs in your low end Android smartphone easily and Snoost is the cheapest cloud gaming service after cloud games but remember gloud games is the fastest and the cheapest no cloud gaming service can take it's place so in today's list of top 5 cloud gaMing services I am including this because of its ability to run in ultra low latency as well as the ability to run into your browser.

My opinion 

Cloud gaming in browser naaah ! It's not a good way to play games on your Android devices .Browsers can not use the full bandwidth therefore you will get lags while gameplay that's why I am not recommending it .If you have a small budget and want to play games like GTA 5 the. Go for liquid sky .

4.Gaming anywhere

Image source :- google

Gaming anywhere is an open source cloud gaming service available in all countries of the world .Further it's available to all platforms like Android ,windows ,iOS ,and Linux .By it you can play high pc games on your low end devices so if you are a gamer that likes to play high end games on their low end devices than you must go for gaming anywhere .With gaming anywhere you can play pc games at any time or at any place on any device whether it is Android ,iOS ,windows or lunix .The reason for which i am including it in the list of top 5 cloud gaming services is because of its portability and it is new in market .We are providing you info about this so that you could try a new cloud gaming serviceand enjoy .Further they are giving you free trials also .So if you want to play pc games on you low end devices than you must go for it.Wait wait wait ! Don't panic I forgot to tell you that it requires a great internet speed to run the speed should be around 5-6 Mbps and in countries like India it is a very costly affair.

My opinion 

If. You have a  good  internet speed and havveoney to spend on it then you must go for gaming any where because it is a new cloud gaming service therefore the servers are not so busy ,you will get a really fast gaming experience .So if you have money and speed gol for gaming anywhere .

4.leap computing 

Image source:- google 

Leap computing is a great but not popular cloud gaming service available on all platforms .It is available on android ,iOS ,windows ,Linux ,Mac os ,I pad ,etc . However you will require a great internet speed for playing on this. Cloud gaming service you can run high end console games on your low end devices .So if have money and a good internet speed than this is the best cloud gaming app that you should try . Further it does not runs into your browser and is available all around the world .The reason for which I have listed it in the list of top 5 cloud gaming services is its availability all around the world and on all devices .
Visit :-

My opinion 

In my opinion you shouldn't make this your permanent cloud gaming service it is nothing in front of Gloud and liquid sky .But still choice is yours if you want to play games on it the cloud is open you can easily play them .


At I will say that there are tons of cloud gaming services on the web some run on low internet speed like Gloud games and some require high internet speed like liquid sky .some give free trials and some doesn't give you .You should choose wisely between cloud gaming services so that your money does not go waste .I will recommend Gloud games over liquid sky because it's has got may features that liquid sky hasn't got .

If you still want any other info then please comment below .we will love to help

By amaan butt
For beboying 


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